
ETD Drop is distributed as a complete Django project, making it quite straightforward to run. It is essentially a WSGI application, needing only minor database-related setup and some Python package dependencies. Popular ways of running Django apps include gunicorn, nginx (with uwsgi), and Apache (with mod_wsgi).

System Requirements

  • Python 2.7.4 (or any higher 2.7.x release)
  • virtualenv (strongly recommended)
  • A writable directory large enough to accommodate your needs

Local Testing

These instructions should help you to set up an instance of ETD Drop running locally on a personal machine or VM. This is useful for small scale testing or development, but not for serving the application to actual users.

Initial Setup

  1. Clone this repository on your local filesystem, probably somewhere within your user’s home directory.
  2. cd into this repository’s directory.
  3. Create a new virtual environment here: venv
  4. Copy etd_drop/ to etd_drop/
  5. Edit etd_drop/ in a code or plain text editor and set up your any settings you need to override (see the Configuration section below).
  6. Copy env_example to .env.
  7. Edit .env with a text editor and configure the settings to your desired setup.

Each Time You Begin a New Work Session

  1. cd into this repository’s directory.
  2. Activate your virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate
  3. (Optional) Pull latest changes from git: git pull
  4. Install/update dependencies: pip install -Ur requirements.txt
  5. Ensure that the database is set up: DJANGO_DEBUG=1 python syncdb

Note: If this is your first time running the syncdb command, a new SQLite database will be generated, and you will be prompted to create a new administrative account. Follow the prompts and provide a username and password for this new account. (You can leave the “email” field blank.)

Running a Local Server

  1. cd into this repository’s directory.
  2. Activate your virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate
  3. Start the development server: DJANGO_DEBUG=1 python runserver
  4. When you wish to stop the server, use CTRL+C in the terminal window.

Production Server Deployment

There are many approaches and choices to consider when deploying a Django project on a real server. The general strategy is something like the following:

  1. Incoming requests are proxied by Nginx (which also directly serves static assets belonging to the project)
  2. Nginx forwards requests on to a WSGI server (like uWSGI or Gunicorn)
  3. The WSGI server handles the request and displays the page

If you would prefer to use Apache, you should use mod_wsgi and refer to this page for guidance in setting things up.

Otherwise, we recommend using Nginx with Gunicorn. The following steps outline the general process of setting up ETD Drop in this way on a Linux server.

Getting Started

This guide will assume the use of an up-to-date installation of Ubuntu Server 12.04, though the general principles should apply to any other reasonably- equipped Linux environment.

First, let’s make sure everything we need is installed:

sudo apt-get install -y nginx git python-virtualenv

Setting up ETD Drop in a Virtualenv

We need a place where the ETD Drop code can live. Technically the location doesn’t matter that much, but a popular convention is /srv/django. Let’s create this location:

sudo mkdir -p /srv/django

Now we’ll fetch the ETD Drop code repository:

cd /srv/django
sudo git clone

ETD Drop is now fetched at /srv/django/etd-drop. Now, let’s set up a virtualenv to contain our Python packages nicely:

sudo virtualenv /srv/venv/etd-drop

The following command “activates” the new virtualenv in your current shell so that we are in the correct environment for the next several steps:

sudo -i
source /srv/venv/etd-drop/bin/activate

Now go to the ETD Drop source code directory and fetch its dependencies:

cd /srv/django/etd-drop
pip install -r requirements.txt

Configure Nginx

To make things simple, we’ve provided a sample Nginx configuration file along with the ETD Drop source code. Install it as follows:

cp /srv/django/etd-drop/nginx/etd-drop.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available
ln -s ../sites-available/etd-drop.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default # Disables the default nginx config

Configuring Settings

Before going any further, you will need to edit /srv/django/etd-drop/etd_drop/ and configure your project’s settings (especially the DATABASES setting if you wish to use something other than SQLite3 to store user accounts). Refer to Configuration for details.

Initializing ETD Drop

Do the following in order to initialize ETD Drop:

source /srv/venv/etd-drop/bin/activate
cd /srv/django/etd-drop/
python collectstatic -c --noinput
python syncdb
python syncdb --noinput

At this point, you should create an initial “superuser” account (an administrative account which will be able to log in and manage other user accounts in ETD Drop). Run the following command and follow the prompts:

python createsuperuser

Choose these credentials wisely as this account will have full administrative privileges inside the application.

Running the Server

Finally, the commands you will use to start up the servers:

sudo service nginx restart
cd /srv/django/etd-drop
sudo DOTENV=/srv/django/etd-drop/.env /srv/venv/etd-drop/bin/gunicorn -b unix:/tmp/gunicorn.sock etd_drop.wsgi:application