
ETD Drop is configured using values defined in the file in the etd_drop directory of the project.

Environment Variables

For ease of deployment or local testing, some configuration values can be set using environment variables. Environment variables can be set up in web server configurations (like Apache and Nginx), set in your personal .bashrc or .profile files for easy personal use, or stated at the beginning of a terminal command (for example: DJANGO_DEBUG=1 python runserver).

ETD-Drop supports the ‘dotenv’ configuration convention, and will look for a .env file in the top level directory with values for runtime-configurable settings.


Accepted values: 1 (meaning debug mode is on) or 0 (meaning debug mode is off)

Overrides the default DEBUG setting.


Accepted values: Any string

Overrides the SECRET_KEY setting, which should be set to a long, randomized string of characters used for security purposes (see the SECRET_KEY section later in this page).


Accepted values: Any valid pathname

Overrides the ETD_STORAGE_DIRECTORY setting, which is where the stored ETDs that are uploaded will be kept. Make sure that this directory exists and is writable by the ETD-Drop process.


Accepted values: 1 (on) or 0 (off) (default)

Set to 1 if you want ETD-Drop to use Clam Antivirus to scan uploaded ETDs. This requires that the Clam-AV Daemon be installed and running.


Accepted values: ‘DEBUG’, ‘INFO’, ‘WARNING’, ‘ERROR’ or ‘CRITICAL’

Overrides the LOGGING_LEVEL setting, which controls the severity of events that will be reported by the logger.


Accepted values: Any valid pathname

Overrides the LOGGING_PATH setting, which controls where ETD-Drop will keep its logs. Make sure that the file is writable by the ETD-Drop process.

Core settings

These are standard Django settings you will want to pay special attention to:


Specifies the connection information Django should use for all of its database operations (in the case of ETD Drop, this is for users/sessions).

By default, this is configured to use a SQLite3 file located in the project directory (which will be created automatically if it doesn’t exist). SQLite3 should be sufficient for the needs of this application, but you may still prefer to change these settings to use an external database (e.g. MySQL) instead.



Default: bool(int(get_env_setting(‘DJANGO_DEBUG’, default=False)))

A boolean (True or False) value that decides if Django should run in “debug” mode. In debug mode, Django runs with fewer security restrictions and allows detailed error messages to be displayed in the browser. It is very important not to use debug mode in production environments.

The default value of DEBUG attempts to load the setting from an environment variable named DJANGO_DEBUG (which should be set to 1 if True or 0 if False). If this environment variable is not set, False will be used by default.


Default: ‘django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend’

The Django email backend to use for sending email. SMTP is the default, which is the most commonly-used server type for sending email.

For a full list of possible backends, see:

See general information about this setting, see:


Default: ‘localhost’

Hostname of SMTP server (or other selected backend type).


Default: ‘’

Password for authenticating with SMTP server (or other selected backend type).


Default: ‘’

Username for authenticating with SMTP server (or other selected backend type).


Default: 25


Default: None

The location where user-submitted files are temporarily kept before the submission package is built. If not defined (or set to None), the system’s default temporary directory (e.g. /tmp) will be used.

To account for large uploads, you may wish to change this setting to a path on a volume where storage is plentiful.


Default: 2621440

Uploaded files smaller than this size (in bytes) will be temporarily stored in memory (RAM) instead of being stored as a file in FILE_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR. This results in faster uploads, but will consume more system memory during uploads depending on how high this limit is set.

Note: 2621440 bytes = 2.5 MB


Default: SECRET_KEY = get_env_setting('DJANGO_SECRET_KEY', default=None)

A string containing a unique, unpredictable set of characters known only to the server.

The default value attempts to do two things:

  1. If an environment variable called DJANGO_SECRET_KEY is set, it will use that value for this setting.
  2. Otherwise, the setting will be set to None and the application will not be able to start.

One way of generating a good random key is using the following command:

python -c 'import random; import string; print "".join([random.SystemRandom().choice(string.digits + string.letters + string.punctuation) for i in range(100)])'


ETD Drop settings

These settings apply specifically to the functionality of ETD Drop, and will allow you to customize some of the functionality and presentation of the ETD Drop web application itself:


Default: get_env_setting('ETD_STORAGE_DIRECTORY', default=mkdtemp(prefix="etd-drop"))

A string representing the absolute path of the directory where ETD submissions should be stored. In practice, you will want to use a directory on a volume that is

  • large enough to accommodate the submissions you anticipate receiving
  • able to be accessed by the people in your organization whose staff will be responsible for receiving and processing the submission packages (via SFTP, SCP, Windows shared directory (SMB), etc.).

The default value attempts to do two things:

  1. If an environment variable called ETD_STORAGE_DIRECTORY is set, it will use that value for this setting.
  2. Otherwise, it will try to create a directory in your system’s temporary directory (e.g. /tmp) prefixed with the name “etd-drop” and use that location instead. (This is useful for local testing, but obviously should not be used in production since anything stored there will not be permanently saved!)

If you would rather not use an environment variable to specify the directory, you can replace this line with something as simple as:


(replacing /mnt/data with the actual path you wish to use).


A string containing a phone number that will be displayed on the homepage for users to call if they need help. If this setting is blank or undefined, the phone number will be hidden.


A string containing an email address that will be displayed on the homepage for users to email if they need help. If this setting is blank or undefined, the email address will be hidden.


Default: Not set

A string containing a URL to a running instance of the DAITSS Format Description service (

If set, the description service will be used to generate PREMIS-formatted identification/validation/characterization data (powered by DROID, JHOVE) for each of the files in the submission package when submissions are created.

For more information about this process and how to run your own instance of the Format Description Service in your environment, see:

Example: DESCRIPTION_SERVICE_URL = "http://localhost:3000"


Default: []

A list of strings representing email addresses to notify when a new submission is received. If this list is empty, no email will be sent.


Default: “

A string containing the email address that will appear in the “From” header for notification emails sent by ETD Drop.


A string containing the title you wish to be shown on the homepage. By default, this is set to "Submit Your Thesis".


A string containing the text you wish to appear on the homepage underneath the page title. Any line breaks you use in this string will be converted to line breaks in the HTML, and a blank line between two lines of text will convert to a paragraph break.

By default, this is set to:

ETD Drop allows our graduate students to easily submit a copy of their thesis or dissertation electronically.

After logging in you will be asked to upload your document as a PDF. If you have any supplemental files you will also have the option to submit this content as a ZIP file.

If required, please make sure you have a signed and scanned Copyright License in PDF form available to include with your submission.

Lastly, the submission form will ask for your document's title and abstract. You can copy and paste these from your document into the corresponding form inputs.

It's that easy.


A string containing a URL to a logo image you wish to appear in the footer.


A string containing the text you wish to appear above the “agreement” checkbox at the bottom of the submission form. Typically this represents the terms that the user will be agreeing to when submitting their ETD. Any line breaks you use in this string will be converted to line breaks in the HTML, and a blank line between two lines of text will convert to a paragraph break.

By default, this is set to:

By clicking the box below I agree that this submission is complete. Any errors in this submission will require a complete re-submission. Please be sure.


This setting allows you to hide or make mandatory the various submission form fields that make up a submission. For instance, if you want to completely hide the “Subject” field from the form, you would change the following lines:

'subject': {
    'visible': True,
    'required': False,

to this:

'subject': {
    'visible': False,
    'required': False,